BASEBALL HEAVEN (Ellie Mamahara)

My dad loved baseball, and though I happily went to countless games with him growing up I did not really know what was going on half the time and found the slow pace of the game to be frustrating. So dad, I just want to let you know that you can be proud of me right now, because I’m reading a baseball book. I’m lifting it up right now so that you can see it from heaven. Uhh, don’t look too closely at the summary though…what happens in it you ask? Hmmm…baseball. Baseball happens! That’s all you need to know!

There should really be more dedicated sports yaoi out there, I don’t get to use the sports tag enough. If the amount of yaoi doujins out there of Prince of Tennis, Haikyuu, Free!, and Kuroko’s Basketball are any indication, nothing gets a fujoshi’s imagination going like the all-you-can-eat shipping buffet of a bishounen-stacked male sports team roster. Who knows, perhaps it is the sheer amount of sports anime BL doujins out there – combined with having to actually know about the sport to be convincing, and having to draw a decent amount of action and a minimum of like 8 characters – that dissuades mangakas from doing too many original BL sports series, because why put in the effort for all that when you can just spin up some lewd Kagami x Kuroko stories for Comiket for some easier dough? That’s just my guess anyway. Ah, someone should make an ice skating yaoi! I bet no one has done that yet…

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