NECRATOHOLIC (Maguro Wasabi)

I don’t think I’ve ever read a single vampire yaoi I liked and this one makes me even less hopeful that I’ll be finding one anytime soon. It’s…bad. Remember that weird fanfiction you wrote in high school that you and your friends thought was hilarious but you find it as an adult and cringe so hard your skin crawls and think “oh my God this needs to be burned, it should never see the light of day?” (Er, not that I’m speaking from personal experience or anything…) Well, that’s this manga….Except your high school fanfiction could have been better than this.

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LOVE MACHINE (Amayo Tsuge)

This story takes place in a reality in which there are humanoid robot ukes that look like cute little “teenagers.” I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a brilliant idea coming on, which is: we can give them to pedophiles to keep them from hurting real kids! Just let them diddle androids all day! Unfortunately our real world technology hasn’t reached the level of this manga but I believe in the future, guys. A future of sex androids for pedophiles. Well, and the rest of us too, obviously. Because I want a Giyu Tomioka android who will fuck my brains out and I don’t care what strangers on the internet know it (mom? you haven’t found my blog yet, right?). Seriously, why is Elon Musk screwing around with social media and electric cars and rockets when he could be making sex androids? Talk about wasting your time…

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SWEET BLOOD (Seyoung Kim)

You would think by the title that this would be your average vampire yaoi, but you’d be wrong. It’s your…below-average 10-volume isekai trap yaoi featuring vampiric half-dragons (how many of those have you read?) that I originally dropped around volume 3 because it was so bad that I couldnt see myself getting through the whole thing. But after exiting the mudpit I decided to take a deep breath, rinse myself off, and promptly and regretfully get back in. Why in the name of red hot scaly dragon dick did I pick it back up? I’m still asking myself that question and I’m not sure actually…maybe I’m just a masochist, or I thought it would get better (spoiler: it does not get better). But really, it’s probably because it’s one of the things I’ve had in my collection for ages; it was one of my first manhwa. Those bright red spines have stared out at me for years…I had to do it justice by at least finishing it. A totally unnecessary sacrifice? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Not at all.

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