HATE TO LOVE YOU (Makoto Tateno)

I came across this title fairly recently and remember being surprised when I saw the author – first, I didn’t know Double Penetration Deux Press licensed any of Makoto Tateno’s work, and second, I thought I owned all of her English-licensed BL titles (that even includes Happy Boys) because I love her stuff – while not always draw-droppingly amazing, her work is consistent, and seems to be always to my taste. But somehow this one fell through the cracks on my list – her first BL title too! So of course I was curious how well she spread her wings when jumping from the safe warm nest of shojo into the vast, cloudy expanse of butt sex. And jump she did!

Continue reading “HATE TO LOVE YOU (Makoto Tateno)”


(Note: This is an older short-form review, I might go back and edit it one day when I re-read this one. Which I will, because I loved this one)

This is a really, really nice collection of BL stories. I’m not always a fan of the 5-stories-in-one thing because you have to learn new sets of characters so quick that often look the same and there is so little room to establish them, but this book pulled it off.

Continue reading “THE COLOR OF LOVE (Kiyo Ueda)”