SWEET BLOOD (Seyoung Kim)

You would think by the title that this would be your average vampire yaoi, but you’d be wrong. It’s your…below-average 10-volume isekai trap yaoi featuring vampiric half-dragons (how many of those have you read?) that I originally dropped around volume 3 because it was so bad that I couldnt see myself getting through the whole thing. But after exiting the mudpit I decided to take a deep breath, rinse myself off, and promptly and regretfully get back in. Why in the name of red hot scaly dragon dick did I pick it back up? I’m still asking myself that question and I’m not sure actually…maybe I’m just a masochist, or I thought it would get better (spoiler: it does not get better). But really, it’s probably because it’s one of the things I’ve had in my collection for ages; it was one of my first manhwa. Those bright red spines have stared out at me for years…I had to do it justice by at least finishing it. A totally unnecessary sacrifice? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Not at all.

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MAID IN HEAVEN (Hisami Shimada)

The maid fetish is much more popular over at Uncle Hentai’s Loli Lake rather than here at Cousin Yaoi’s Buttsex Beach, where it’s just one of many tropes in the crossdressing category and can really only be found scattered in a few English titles (DMP’s Project-H hentai imprint put out some crossdressing manga, and although they’re technically yaoi they seem to be more designed for straight men who like femboys in costumes and there’s no actual sex). There are certainly not many yaoi in English solely dedicated to maid outfits, mainly this one and….well, this one. So get out your canoe and ‘yaoi’ paddle, go down yonder on Rimjob River to Ye Olde Cock Cabin, stand on the ‘Bears Only’ welcome mat and use the testicle door knocker, and come inside to watch…a rich dude pound the asshole of a servant boy crossdressing as a French maid. Hey, it’s probably better than half the shows being shat onto streaming at the moment…

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CAN’T WIN WITH YOU (Honami/Takaguchi)

That awkaward moment when you try to get a kid of questionable age to do something by tying him down and giving him a hand job while making out with your friend but it doesn’t convince him to do what you want so you get forced to blow the school director’s son while his brothers watch and then the same annoying kid starts going to your school and becomes resident advisor and makes rules against no gay stuff but starts to like gay stuff because you kiss him once but really you like your roommate Miku and you get pissed because you get forced to suck that same guys’s dick again while Miku and your other friend drug the annoying kid with spiked hot chocolate and dress him up like a slutty girl while he’s unconscious complete with shampoo dripping from his mouth for blackmail and then later everyone tries to rape him and you’re like wtf all I wanted was to get my asshole rammed in peace by my roommate without getting forced to blow people as punishment for shit I didn’t do. I think we can all relate.

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