PICNIC (Yugi Yamada)

Yugi Yamada usually has decent stories, but they tend to be very slow slice-of-lifes. This, however, was a book of one-shots, so it forced her to speed things up. I think her story ideas and characters are her strong suit, so having more of that helped overcome the things she doesn’t do well, namely…drawing. It’s no secret I’m not a big fan of Yamada’s art, but this mainly applies to her earlier work like this – her art definitely gets more polished later on while still bearing her stylistic signature, although we don’t really have her most recent stuff in English.

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WARU (Yukari Hashida)

“Waru” means bad in Japanese, and I wouldn’t be so unfunny as to pluck the low-hanging fruit of they named it really well huehuehue. Nah, I can make better jokes than that, of course. Also this one actually isn’t that bad. Let me just take a couple sips of wine and I’ll come up with something better in 20 minutes. Hmm. Any minute now….actually you know what, I’m just gonna leave this really great panel here, which will hopefully entice you to read the rest:

Well, hopefully now you know the kind of noble, high-quality literature we’re dealing with here.

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IDOL PLEASURES (Fuhri Misasagi)

This was a random blind pick off my shelf, which is a great way to dig up forgotten surprises. Usually they’re subpar surprises consisting of light saber dicks wrapped in yaoi hands on a soft bed of bad cliches, but hey, you gotta sift the dirt to find the gold. I skimmed the back of this and saw the pairing is an idol and his manager, which didn’t really excite me because one kind of pairing I find annoying in yaoi is famous actor/author/entertainer/whatever with random dude who ‘sees the real him’ under his famous exterior. And this one definitely ticks that box.

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SHINOBU KOKORO (Temari Matsumoto)

I need to start by mentioning that there is a hand job on page 2 of this book. Now THIS is my kind of yaoi! If only all books were like this. Think how much better Harry Potter would improve if Harry and Malfoy just whipped their “wands” out and got it over with in the first book. “That doesn’t make any sense, those characters weren’t gay,” you may be thinking. Well, a lot of fanfiction would disagree. See, you just have to read between the lines! Try it the next time you watch a Marvel movie, you’ll get all kinds of plot points…

So uh, this is basically gay softcore PWP ninja porn for girls. And call me a sucker but I might as well have a bullseye on my back in terms of the people who make up the target market for this sort of stuff, so naturally I loved it and was inclined to ignore some of its flaws (“some” being the keyword). What can I say, I am an easy customer when it comes to hot bishies porking each other in ninja garb despite what might be something like a 25+ year age gap in the first story with dubious consent. ✋ Ay-yai-yai…

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YOU & HARUJION (Keiko Kinoshita)

I don’t think I’ve ever bought a book for myself that I knew I wasn’t going to like before – until I started this blog, that is. The reason was twofold: 1) Bad yaoi is more fun to review. And rarely am I positive that a book is going to be terrible before I start it, thus I didn’t want to pass up this opportunity. 2) Altruism. That $2 was a sacrifice for you guys, to wander deep in the dark cave and bring back photo evidence of what that lies within, so that no one else has to risk their lives. If this is my last post and it’s three months after the datestamp, I probably didn’t make it out alive. Spread yabara on my grave, fam.

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