BOND(Z) (Toko Kawai)

Uncensored at last, uncensored at last, God Almighty it’s an uncensored one at last! Can I get an Amen?!?

This post has NSFW images, if anyone is brave enough to be reading this at work.

First things first, this manga offers some great life advice worth sharing:

Ok, now that we’re all enlightened and in the right mindset –

So, I think Toko Kawai (who notably did Cut) puts out consistently great work that I always seem to enjoy, like Makoto Tateno. Even her books that aren’t my favorites ever, like Our Everlasting, are still perfectly good reads and there’s nothing that I truly dislike about them. Her characters are always beautiful, her storytelling is heartfelt, and she draws great really sex scenes when she’s allowed to. Though her stories are usually not all that romantic, her art style is nice to look at despite it being dated (dorito chins anyone?)

My one gripe with this book is that every single one of these stories should definitely have been longer, there was too much build for them all to end so abruptly. None of the premises exactly reinvent the yaoi wheel, but they’re all plenty enjoyable and well-written with unique elements except maybe the last one – or maybe it’s just that the title story is so strong that the others pale in comparison a bit. But the first one is long and strong enough (zing) to make this book worth getting I think. Oh, did I mention there’s hot uncensored sex? There’s hot uncensored sex.

It’s about two friends, Tomo and Keita, who have a drunken one-night stand. They proceed to fuck like rabbits for a few months even though they have girlfriends until Tomo realizes he’s in love and freaks out, and bolts. Don’t worry though, that’s of course not how it ends.

Tomo and Keita have some pretty fucking hot sex, and I don’t italicize those three words lightly. As in, kinky hot. As in, Tomo cums on Keita’s face while he’s on the phone with his girlfriend, and then licks it off and they make out.

‘Good boy, Spike!’

…And another time they are on a double date and go in the bathroom and jerk each other off, which is like a huge BL fantasy of mine omggggg

Oh behave *Austin Powers smile*

They also do DIY piercing jobs on each other, one receiving a Prince Albert and the other a tongue stud to give better head. Good clean old fashioned fun!

I had a guy friend who had one of these piercings, and I remember a group of is being drunk in a parking lot somewhere and we kept hearing this mysterious faint metal clinking noise. Turns out it was out friend taking a piss four feet behind us and flopping his dick up and down between a hole in the chainlink fence.

But why did they assume their girlfriends would be mad if they found out they were hooking up? I mean, I some girls might have to change their panties at the mere thought of that fantasy. How many teenage guys would truly be mad if they found out their girlfriends were hooking up with each other? Yeah, probably not many.

She has a thing for drawing tongues. A thing which she excels at.

Kawai reveals she added the uncensored content in that story just for this book as there’s no way some of the scenes in it would fly as-is in Be x Boy or something. The other three stories were not nearly as good as that first one, the characters looked pretty much the same and there was no sex scenes. Sad trombone…

The second story, ‘Situation,’ is about two childhood friends named Yoh and Akira. Akira is out and proud, but Yoh struggles with secret feelings for his friend that he can’t share, stemming from a childhood incident in which a teacher told him that only boys and girls can fall in love.

It was a good story that I was disappointed didn’t have a real sex scene, because it felt like a lot of good build for nothing. It was had some funny parts though, like Yoh remembering when Akira asked him to pull his foreskin back in 8th grade and in high school telling him how embarassing it was to poop on someone’s dick after anal. You know, normal things friends do and talk about growing up.

The third story was the fish out of water because it was fantasy-based (her ‘first and only one,’ she notes). It centered around a ‘flower god’ of sorts named Prince Fiona who was granted one wish, and chose to meet Daichi, the caretaker of the flower garden he lives in (I know, you just go with it I guess) who he was in love with from afar. It was fairytale-like and very romantic and sweet, but never really hooked me. It also no sex, which was disappointing.

The last one, ‘Sakura,’ was my least favorite, because it had a stupid, bizarre ending and what felt like the wrong character roles. Basically an office worker named Ayatsuji is tasked with keeping tabs on the company’s heir, sheltered 18-yr-old Ren, who is being prepped to take over one day (he also meets the CEO of ‘Mecrosoft,’ which actually did make me laugh out loud for some dumb reason). Ayatsuji teaches Ren about life and Ren makes a move on his mentor while watching Roman Holiday, which we can all relate to I’m sure. Why Ren was the seme and Ayatsuji the uke was beyond me, it made zero sense for their characters and didn’t feel authentic at all.

Overall, The score has to be averaged because the first one is probably approaching an 7 while the others are like between a mid 4 to 5, which sucks because that first one is so good. It was kind of disappointing and I hate when publishers only rely on one story carry the M rating and treat the rest as filler, but this book was literally two bucks so I can’t complain too much. I should mention that I think my rating might be a tad higher than others would give this book just due to personal preference, I think the trashiness of it might be a turnoff for some. But if you like Kawai’s art style, it’s definitely worth checking out just for that first story as it is an easy book to find!

TL;DR The first story was excellent and the (uncensored!) sex was kinky and hot af, especially the erotic piercing part. The three other stories were not as good – the characters all looked the same and there were no real sex scenes – but they weren’t horrible and Kawai’s great art made them better. Oh, also, you won’t die from drinking pee.

TheBL Rating: 5.75/10

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