HIS ARROGANCE (Takashi Kanzaki)

If you love sexy bishies and hot sex scenes (of course you do) and you’re willing to trade coherent dialogue and a decent plot for it (I mean, I usually am), this is a pretty good choice. That’s not really a knock, by the way. I personally could care less if the plot/dialogue makes sense if you’re replacing that page real estate with hot bishie sex scenes, and this book checks that box! It is a Kanzaki story, after all…

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The story in Sweet Revolution was an odd one (not to mention the title itself and what it has in any way to do with the story, but that’s BL for you), it felt like the second part was a completely different story than the first but with the same two main characters…in the middle it very quickly switches from a stereotypical school setting to a mysterious otherworldly realm (if you read/watch a lot of manga/anime, one simply comes to accept isekai in any situation), and after that leap they do not mix again. Still, the pacing was good and the story fun to follow, and it unfolded in a really intriguing way.

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CUT (Toko Kawai)

The feeling I had while reading this manga was akin to hopping into a cold shower when you expected a hot one…it just *completely* threw me off guard. Not that I was expecting light cutesy BL fluff- to be honest I had no expectations and didn’t even read the summary on the back before starting it – but it sure wasn’t this.

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