MAID IN HEAVEN (Hisami Shimada)

The maid fetish is much more popular over at Uncle Hentai’s Loli Lake rather than here at Cousin Yaoi’s Buttsex Beach, where it’s just one of many tropes in the crossdressing category and can really only be found scattered in a few English titles (DMP’s Project-H hentai imprint put out some crossdressing manga, and although they’re technically yaoi they seem to be more designed for straight men who like femboys in costumes and there’s no actual sex). There are certainly not many yaoi in English solely dedicated to maid outfits, mainly this one and….well, this one. So get out your canoe and ‘yaoi’ paddle, go down yonder on Rimjob River to Ye Olde Cock Cabin, stand on the ‘Bears Only’ welcome mat and use the testicle door knocker, and come inside to watch…a rich dude pound the asshole of a servant boy crossdressing as a French maid. Hey, it’s probably better than half the shows being shat onto streaming at the moment…

This a cute master x maid comedy with a surprisingly decent amount of sex that is – also surprisingly – consensual and sorta uncensored (well, an attempt was made at least, on both fronts). The jist is that a kid named Midori is filling in for his injured grandma as a maid for the fickle Master Asagi, who of course – like all rich bachelors – is dashingly handsome in accordance with the laws of all fiction written for women ever. 

Midori is endearing and cute. I’m not really into crossdressing in yaoi, but I am very into semi-uncensored dicks, and I’m willing to take that trade-off. He’s for sure a pretty boy and could probably make a killing as a drag queen, but in his maid outfit he still looks like a boy – which I prefer, instead of the uber-trap look. He also usually isn’t dressed in it when they fuck, so if you were hoping for that money shot with cum dripping all down his apron, you’ll just have to use your imagination. He does give his master a blow job in the maid getup though, at which point I was like “…am I into this? Maybe I’m into this.”

“Smells like dick”

The other details of the story are kind of dumb but this is just as well because it becomes clear this is basically maid PWP so the fact that it has a coherent plot at all is just a bonus. There is a running joke that just as Asagi is about to put his dick into Midori’s ass, someone opens the door and interrupts them, usually Asagi’s kid brother. Because there was a lot of bjs and hjs to keep you interested and I was confident they’d deliver the goods eventually, this gag succeeded in being amusing when normally it would have been annoying after the 4th or 5th time – although I couldn’t help but think ‘hey guys, why don’t you just lock the fucking door?’ like I’m sure everyone else who has ever read this thought. Surely this would be common sense to a guy about to put his dick inside another dude’s ass who lives in a house full of servants and has been walked in on three times before…like dude, are you trying to scar your kid brother for life?

I mean ok, that’s a decent cum shot I guess? For mid 00s yaoi? I’ll take it

Besides the gags it was also kinda romantic, at least as much as PWP can be – they’re both clearly really into each other and there’s no uncomfortable rapey situations despite the nature of their professional master x servant relationship, so that’s a plus.

So to recap – attractive art, cute uke in a maid outfit, smutty, no rape, kinda uncensored, happy ending in more ways than one – I mean don’t get me wrong it’s still mediocre 00s smut but it’s like, decently mediocre, and there are certainly worse things Deux has blessed the English language with – this one went in my “keep” pile.

TL;DR: Drop in for the cute uke maid but stay for the sex, which is surprisingly plentiful and kinda-sorta uncensored. Even if you’re not particularly into guys crossdressing as French maids, it’s more a scenario backdrop than anything else so if you like smut there is plenty to be found here.

TheBL Rating: 5.75/10